Humanoid robot HRP-4C
Humanoid robot HRP-4C, developed with the support of the government's National Science and Technology Institute of Japan (AIST), will be presented at a fashion show in Japan Fashion Week Tokyo next week.
The software of the robot is based on a specialized Linux kernel ART Linux (Advanced Real-Time Linux), which was open for free download a few days ago!
ART Linux is the kernel operating mode hard real-time, ensuring equipment on Pentium 2 periodicity of the tasks in 10 microseconds.
Division HRG institute has equipped the robot 30 motors for the movements and facial expressions to 8 drives. The equipment has not yet been tested for safety for people, but has already collected a lot of viewers on YouTube and will soon be delivered to the market in the form of an assembly kit without a face and skin for approximately 200 thousand. USD.