
Jocelyn Wildenstein, who still can not finish with the help of plastic surgery to turn into a female cat has become even worse ...

Plastic surgery Jocelyn started doing when she married a millionaire. She was afraid that her husband will stop loving and went under the surgeon's knife to be like a cat, because her husband was very fond of these animals.

Over the past 12 years she has made at least 7 face lifts, eyelid surgery, collagen injections in the lips, cheeks and chin, as well as countless injections botoksa.

In total, it spent about $ 2 million on plastic surgery, but her husband still threw it ... Now Wildenstein '63 ... She is not shy about her looks and feels happy and constantly appears on the social events ... In her personal life, too, all in order recently captured journalists Jocelyn during a meeting with designer Lloyd Klein ...

The spectacle, of course, even then ... So for the rehabilitation of the mentally and aesthetic health to your attention the following foty ...