Embroider metal
Creative girl from Lithuania with the unpronounceable name of the North Insirauskayte - Kriaunevisiene (Severija Incirauskaite - Kriauneviciene) usually takes for a girl thing - embroidery. But it does not fabric, and metal.
For the first time the artist presented her embroidery, metal art show at Strich Und Faden in Berlin in May 2009.
Using a drill, it is doing in the object uniform holes. Then, as usual cross embroider on the fabric. Objects embroidery variety, old buckets and shovels to new car hoods. Her art she tries to show the beauty of embroidery, which many are beginning to forget.
For the first time the artist presented her embroidery, metal art show at Strich Und Faden in Berlin in May 2009.
Using a drill, it is doing in the object uniform holes. Then, as usual cross embroider on the fabric. Objects embroidery variety, old buckets and shovels to new car hoods. Her art she tries to show the beauty of embroidery, which many are beginning to forget.