The father suggested how to choose a metal drill, so as not to waste time on endless sharpening

How to sharpen a drill on metal? Every master will agree that from time to time drilling must be put in order. Due to intensive work, they can become blunted, which will complicate the further use of such tools. But you can pick it up. more durable components. They will not lose their working properties so quickly and will not need another sharpening.

These tips are suitable for amateur masters who are just beginning their way in the world of diverse household affairs. Let’s say that at some point the master will pay attention to the fact that drills do not work as before. Does that mean that time to sharpen? Probably. There are several clues, the totality of which will clearly indicate the need to update the drill.

For example, these tips include the appearance of incomprehensible sounds during the operation of the apparatus with a dull drill. Also a drill may be heated during operation And make holes in the metal much slower than before. Moreover, these holes can have various irregularities and chips. And, of course, you need to carefully examine the drill itself. Its edge may have a characteristic rounded shape.

Is it possible to sharpen the drill yourself? Yes, absolutely. If there is any doubt about it, it is better. referral And to entrust this business to professionals, even for a monetary reward. The drill should be sharpened extremely carefully, because the procedure is quite complicated.

In order to add to the sharpness, it may be necessary circle. But sharpening a drill on such a tool takes a little more time. It is more convenient to use a Bulgarian grinding wheel, a drill with a nozzle for sharpening the drill, a grinding and sharpening machine. Just keep in mind, if you do not know how to sharpen the drill, then be sure to watch thematic videos on the Internet.

Reasonable choice Resolve the issue of necessity drilling For metal, special drills will help. These tools are made of more durable metal, and their uninterrupted service life is greatly increased. How do you recognize a drill like this? The HSS marking on the drill itself. This means that it is made of high-speed steel.

HSS steels can be divided into three-group: tungsten, molybdenum, high alloy. The tungsten group of steels (T1 - from the capital letter of the English name of the metal Tungsten) is now not so actively used due to the high price of tungsten.

More widely used steel (T15), as well as molybdenum (M) versions with the addition of vanadium. On such a drill containing cobalt, you can see the marking of HSS Co. Especially durable drills have titanium spraying, have a heat resistance of about 600 degrees, marked with HSS TiN.

All the salt is that these steels are used to work with the risk of high wear of the tool and elevated temperature. The improved composition of such a drill will allow drill outFor example, titanium. Of course, the professionals without such drills do not. But homework with such tools will be fun, and no constant sharpening of the drill.

How to sharpen a drill on metal yourself Special marking is also in drills locally. For example, how to decipher the marking “P6M5K5 10.6”? P6 is a high-speed steel with the addition of 6% tungsten, M5 and K5 - 5% molybdenum and cobalt additives, respectively. The last digital indicator indicates the diameter of the drill.

Before looking for where and how to sharpen a drill on metal, you need to think. There may be a need to purchase more durable And forget about the other problems? What do you think? Is there a reasonable grain to this idea? Share your thoughts with our subscribers in the comments.


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