Let's talk about women
Porn star Sharon Kane in his whole life went on to star in 810 pornolentah, and this record has not yet been able to beat any actress. We offer you a selection of interesting facts about women.
1. The smallest woman in the world - Marge Bester of South Africa. Her roct - 55 centimeters.
2. The most long-legged girl in the world recognized the Czech model Adriana Karembeu. The length of her legs - 124 cm.
3. The biggest breasts in the 12-year-old Chinese woman was at Tin Chzhafen. Its weight was about 10 kilograms. Soon, however, she had to lie down on the breast reduction: it brought a lot of trouble too.
4. The most "talkative" woman - American comedienne Fran Caro. One minute she can speak 585 words.
5. It is still an unbeaten record, which put the first wife of a certain Fyodor Vasilyev. She bore her husband 69 children. 16 times her twins were born seven times - triplets and four times - on the four twins. I note that even if every time were born only one child, she still would have 27 children. Also note that it was the first wife of her husband.
6. The youngest mother - Lina Medina from Peru. She gave birth for the first time at the age of five years and seven months. Second child she gave birth to 33 years.
7. The daughter of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire in the middle of Ibrahim XVII century was married to Yussuf Paz at the age of three years. A year later, her father was killed Yusuf, making his daughter the youngest widow in the world - she was barely four years.
8. The largest number of men had some Vauh Teresa. At the trial in Sheffield in 1922, she admitted that for five years she was at the same time there are more than 60 marriages with men from England, Germany and South Africa.
9. The most expensive prostitute foreseeable past Spaniard called Bella Oster, who lived from 1868 to 1965. For all the time she was able to get $ 25 million. However, she managed to lose all his fortune and died penniless.
10. Back in the XVII century Erzhbeta Bathory was sure that if you take a bath from the blood of virgins, you can stay forever young. As the Countess, Madame Bathory had unrestricted access to the human resources that cost the lives of at least 650 girls. That's why Dracula had become immortal: otherwise he would never beat her record.