The butt of Winston Churchill sold for £ 4,500

What are the only things not sold at auction! At the auction in Norfolk was sold half smoked cigar Winston Churchill. A private collector has paid for historical butt 4500 pounds. "Souvenir" 69 years ago, has picked up a woman from the staff Downing Street 10. The maid Nellie Goble sent a historical artifact to his friend, accompanied by a note which read: "Jack, with best wishes from Nelly. Just a small souvenir that will remind you in the future of one of the greatest men who ever lived in England. " The heirs of Jack decided to get rid of heirloom and put it up for auction. On such a success they were not even counted: estimate of the lot was only £ 350. In November, at an auction in Britain went under the hammer other smoking accessories Churchill. Mardi Gras, which British Prime Minister used as an ashtray, was sold for £ 4200, four times higher than the original cost.
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