Emocean creating the largest yacht

The Belgian design bureau Emocean unveiled ambitious plans to build a giant boat-length of 200 meters. This is as much as 30 meters more yacht Roman Abramovich «Eclipse», is the largest to date. The new draft does not belong to the category of designer fantasies. In Office has already experience in the creation of mega-yachts: the 165-meter vessel, designed by the British shipyard Emocean Devonport Yachts, will be presented at a future Boat Show Abu Dhabi Yacht Show. According to the project 200-meter giant, no board is a garage, two 30-seater pleasure boats, helipad and hangar, 30-meter swimming pool, nightclub, casino, games room, two-level cinema, three beach club, spa, 10 VIP -kayuty and 22 guest and for the owner of the vessel is allocated a private deck, which can accommodate 45 people and all 70 crew members. For all its monstrosity, the yacht should have excellent driving characteristics: the maximum speed of 28 knots, cruising speed - 20 knots, cruising range of 6,500 nautical miles.