Falcon to Dmitry Medvedev

Fleet of the Russian president for the first time added to aircraft of foreign manufacture. Manager of President Vladimir Kozhin said that for the first persons of the aircraft was purchased by French business class Falcon. However, a specific model is not an official name. According Kozhin, this step Office of the President has gone for reasons of economy. "For example, IL-96-300 flight on the route Moscow - St. Petersburg, which often fly the president and prime minister, costs about 450-460 thousand - only one flight. Plane class that I said [Falcon] - to us this flight will cost about 80-90 thousand rubles, "- he said. Aircraft Falcon brand is used for the transport of the first persons of France, as well as a one liner is at Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Also, the official told something would be done to change the face of the first fleet. According to him, the future head of state peresyadet with Mercedes on the domestic ZIL. "We are doing it now in detail to the car factory, and I do not exclude that in the medium term, we will have new old but modern ZIL", - he said. UPD: Slon.ru said that most likely, we are talking about the Falcon 7X, which adore Arab sheiks. Moreover, according to the newspaper, bought not one liner, and two - by the number of national leaders. Each of them would cost the treasury $ 50 million.
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