New Orient Express will launch Chinese

Chinese set out to start a transcontinental speed train from London to Beijing, a large part of the route which will pass through Russia. Road length of over 13,000 kilometers of train overcome two days. By the standards of distance - time minor. Now during this time you can get from Moscow to Paris. The line will connect London, Paris, Berlin, Warsaw, Kiev, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Astana, Irkutsk, Ulan Bator, Khabarovsk and Beijing. Speed exceeds 300 km / h. "This is not the idea of China to build this way, - says the curator of railway projects in China Van Mensch. - Other countries have come to us with this idea. These countries do not have experience in building high-speed rail, and they hope to bring our experience and technology. " Presumably, Mr. Mensch hints at Russia. Germany and France have no need for Chinese technologies, and from Mongolia to the future of the project will depend very little. China in recent years really become skilled in the construction of highways. It was here late last year launched the fastest train in the world, plying between the city of Wuhan in the central part of the country and the South China metropolis Guangzhou. Its speed exceeds 340 km / h. According to Mensch, if desired, an ambitious project of a transcontinental path can be completed in only some ten years.