How do lunch with Buffett

Financier Warren Buffett auctioned eBay dinner with his person. Anyone wishing to dine in the company of one of the most successful investors of the planet can fulfill his dream for a tidy sum. Warren Buffett plays each year at an auction dinner, and he proceeds to charity. Last year, a Canadian company won the bid Salida Capital, laying out for a meeting with Buffett $ 1,680 300. A most generous yet remains Zhao Danyang Chinese investor paid $ 2,110,100 two years ago. Auction began on Sunday evening and end on Friday at 19:30 California time (in Moscow will be 6:30 am Saturday). The meeting place is already known - Smith & Wollensky restaurant in New York. A dinner date to be agreed with the successful bidder. According to the rules of the auction, the winner can bring a company for up to seven people.


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