Milla Jovovich advertises convertible Mercedes-Benz
Mercedes-Benz hired actress Milla Jovovich for the advertising of the new E-Class Cabriolet. The campaign to promote the car will be launched in July at the Berlin Fashion Week. Photographer German company chose Miles Aldridge, and an unusual headdress of colorful feathers - the merit of the British milliner Philip Treacy. "I liked the idea of co-operation from the very beginning - says Aldridge. - For me, a car is a luxurious object of desire. Something that you crave. And this is the type of cute and stylish cars that go great in the photographs. " As told Aldridge, until the last moment it was not known where zavedet fantasy Philip Treacy. Invented them headdress film crew saw the team only when they have sent a huge box. "The hat has an object of art in itself," - said Aldridge.