Environmentally friendly aircraft

Dvadtsatichetyrёhchasovye testing solar-powered aircraft Solar Impulse completed successfully. The aircraft, using alternative energy sources, stayed in the air for more than a day. By plane operated by one of the designers André Borshberg. Solar Impulse began its flight on July 7 in 6:51 am local time from a military airfield near the town of Payerne (Switzerland) and returned to the base this morning at 9:00. Thus, it is conducted in air over 26 hours. Initially, the aircraft was flying at an altitude of 4075 m, but by the time the sun began to set, reached an altitude of 8500 m. The creators of the machine were afraid that one day the solar panels can not store enough for a night flight energy. But their experiences have been in vain. Wingspan Solar Impulse is the same as that of a Boeing 747 airliner, but otherwise he bears little resemblance to conventional airplanes. It weighs only 1, 6 tons, and the speed is not aviation-- four engine 10 horsepower each provide a velocity of 35 km / h. Of course, Solar Impulse is that the only kind of high-tech toy. And it is unlikely in the foreseeable future on solar-powered devices will be able to compete with the turboprop or jet winged machines.