Bono and his wife and Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton has released new posters, continuing an African theme. The last time the protagonist was the photo shoot Dree Hemingway, the stars have this caliber: the brand made by persons frontman U2's Bono and his wife Ali Hewson. A filmed a promotional set one of the highest paid photographers on the planet Annie Leibovitz. On the budget of the shooting have not been announced, probably Louis Vuitton advertising campaign will be the most expensive in the coming season. But not only money talks. In this case, the star had hired the very concept of a new line of Louis Vuitton. It is released in collaboration with Ali Hson Edun, dedicated to the creation of "ethical" clothing. It is worth noting that 49% of the shares owned by Edun concern LVMH, the parent company of Louis Vuitton. By working together and Edun LV, a famous French luxury brand products for the first time will be entirely made in Africa. A gain on the sale of the bags of the new line will go in favor of the non-governmental Foundation for Enterprise Development in the Third World TechnoServe, initiatives Conservation Cotton, supporting farming in Africa and in the international project "Children of Chernobyl." Incidentally, this is the first advertising photography, where Bono appears without his bandmates. Now the leader of U2 joins the greatest celebrities of the world, previously involved in advertising Louis Vuitton. Among them Mikhail Gorbachev, Keith Richards, John Glenn, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Pele, Catherine Deneuve and many other legendary figures.