Jan Rudkovskaja

autumn on TV screens will go commercials Olay Total Effects with Yana Rudkovskoj, and her picture will adorn the packaging of day and night creams and intensive serum. According Rudkovskoj with cosmetics brand Olay she met many years ago, even before its appearance in Russia. By their profession she dermatologist, and her first business was a network of cosmetic clinics. "As a cosmetologist, I understand the effectiveness of products. I have worked with many professional lines and can not afford any cosmetic brands, but even despite this, Olay really makes me admire. Funds Total Effects perfectly moisturize skin, improve complexion, reduces the appearance of capillary pattern, tightens pores, making them less noticeable, "- praises new partner Jan Rudkovskaja. "I'm 35, I love your age, I like the way I look. And I think that with the help of Olay Total Effects, I have all the chances to preserve youthfulness, good complexion and natural "- adds Jan.