Menu for President Barack Obama

Recently, the famous American chef Marcus Samuelsson has arranged a dinner for US President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama. The aim of the event was to raise funds for the Democratic Party, which belongs to the head of state. Scored 50 willing to shell out $ 30 800 to share a meal with the leader of the United States. Dinner was held in the newly opened restaurant «Red Rooster» in Harlem on Tuesday. The site Food Republic learned than regaled the guests. Snack corn tortillas with honey butter lobster salad with asparagus, peas and hot bread glass of semi-dry Riesling Hermann J. Wiemer 2008 Entree Stewed beef brisket with artichokes in honey, green onions, red wine sauce Red Californian wine Brown Estate «Chaos Theory »2009 Dessert Chocolate cake, compote of rhubarb sorbet of fat-free cream Sweet potato donuts with cinnamon and sugar cane red California wine Ridge Geyersville« Essence »2007 One shift meals cost each guest about $ 10 000. Apparently, it worth it.

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