Chetyrehlapoy elite hotel in Melbourne

July 1 at Melbourne International Airport will open a luxury hotel for pets, offering its guests a fluffy transfers in luxury limousines. For many wealthy citizens chetyrёhlapye friends became much closer people around. And his unspent love (and money) they generously pour out on their pets. Therefore, in the "golden billion" business excesses for pets is growing by leaps and bounds. Construction of facilities for Australian rich little dogs and Koshak was spent 4 million Australian dollars. In Hanrob - so called hotel - 10 "uncompromising luxury" rooms for dogs with private courtyard for walking, lots of toys, and even TVs. For cats also have a "number". The program of the visit furry guests included sessions with instructors, games and even spa treatments, including aromatherapy. Overnight at the hotel will cost the owner of the animal from $ 31, 5 up to $ 82, 5. During the bathing will have to pay an additional amount of $ 35 and above.