Farewell, D & G!

for the brand D & G ad campaign spring-summer 2012 will be the last. Designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana have decided to wind up the brand in the last year. In the future, D & G will become part of the brand Dolce & Gabbana. Youth and democratic clothing line D & G was introduced in 1994. Things under the two-letter brand cost much cheaper compared to the main brand Dolce & Gabbana. However, in the last few years the price difference between them is almost erased. In Russia, D & G has won great popularity in comparison with the main brand. Take a look at the last dating back to the history of D & G. In his farewell campaign before the lens Giampaolo Sgurev appeared model Samantha Gradovil, Patricia Gardaylo Sestic and Valeria, and the company made the girls male model Simone Nobili and Alfred Kovac.