Green Beach Qingdao
In this article we will tell you about the Chinese city of Qingdao, or rather its beach area ...
It is worth noting that these places have always been famous for the magnificent beach areas and landscaped gardens, this city is called the "Pearl of the Yellow Sea" and "Eastern Switzerland". But, alas, the global changes that are taking place in the world, played with this resort is quite ambiguous joke ...
The fact is that all beach areas were covered with algae and became really like the Swiss meadows. Local authorities are actively trying to deal with algae, but all these attempts to nothing lead, and even the military can not cope with the natural insanity ... However, local residents have long been resigned - they fearlessly dive into this green mess, scuba dive, swim on inflatable circles and otherwise enjoy this natural phenomenon.
By the way, more funny is that "Qingdao" in Chinese language actually means "green island". Actually today, this area corresponds to its name!
The local old-timers say that this has happened before, in particular about the same pattern could be observed when the wind blew south, but on such a scale and so many algae never "settled" in this place.
It is not strange, but these algae are usually found in acidic marine environment, with respect to many of them in the Shanghai area, but why so many of them was in the area of Qingdao, now no one can say.
As noted above, to clean coastal areas provincial government directed, whole sections of the military, and police. "Hated" literally tons of algae are removed. It is noteworthy that enterprising Chinese and managed to find the application here, it would seem, "Marine Litter". So, all of these algae are not exported to landfills and farms.
The main part of this inconvenience greens brings, of course, tourists, and some of them also have stopped paying attention to the algae, people bathe in the sea and do not pay attention to the green meadows of the sea and calm myself basking ...