Attraction Spiderman
The new project from the creative group Numen / For Use - interactive simulation network
Through the entire structure tightrope that can withstand the weight of a person. Try to move them all interested persons.
On the grid you can move in all directions, which gives visitors the opportunity to really feel as Spider-Man.
Despite the apparent simplicity, constantly moving to freeze the ropes quite difficult.
Exterior design looks like an inflatable pavilion. When deflated pavilion ropes are put together with the shell.
While developers show only a test version. A more complex pattern is in preparation.

Through the entire structure tightrope that can withstand the weight of a person. Try to move them all interested persons.

On the grid you can move in all directions, which gives visitors the opportunity to really feel as Spider-Man.

Despite the apparent simplicity, constantly moving to freeze the ropes quite difficult.

Exterior design looks like an inflatable pavilion. When deflated pavilion ropes are put together with the shell.

While developers show only a test version. A more complex pattern is in preparation.