It's something special
If you want to look at the fascinating pictures of reality? All these places really exist, themselves subjected to minimally processed photos. Enjoy what nature is capable of. Although, of course, a lot depends on the skill of the photographer.
The photo above got a lot of feedback from the network. Many felt that this is a consequence of manipulations weather conditions. In fact, no one knows what it was, but the clouds are beautiful. Photographed in South Dakota, clouds herald the approach of a storm. Undulatus asperatus (lat. Undulating hilly; and asperatus, asperatus) - so call these fearsome clouds.
Minnehaha Falls not far from Minneapolis. This natural park each year welcomes more than 850 million tourists. Colors frozen waterfall in the photo are what is in reality.
Naallarbor - Plain in Australia, ending like this rocky ledge. It reminds edge of the earth, although it is only the edge of the Australian mainland in the north of the Great Australian Bight.
Dragon Falls in Venezuela. Stunning beauty. Already captures the spirit!
Grand Teton (Eng. Grand Teton National Park) - National Park in the USA, in the northwest state of Wyoming.
River in the municipality of Castro Marim (Algarve, Portugal). Blue Dragon. Visible fully from a height of 1 km.
Mount Matterhorn in Switzerland.
This picture is often mistakenly referred to as Big Ben Zion National Park. And in fact it is Glen Canyon Dam Bridge over the Colorado River, located at the Glen Canyon Dam and reservoir Powell near Page in Arizona.
But this park Zion.
The three-dimensional waterfall in Lebanon.
Sea cave on the coast of Portugal.
Sunset in Sweden.
Oahu in Hawaii, Zip thousand waterfalls. Place served as a backdrop for the filming of the series "Lost».
Dalsnibba (Dalsnibba). Dalsnibba - the highest peak in the vicinity of Geirangerfjord (1476 m.) In Norway.
Lightning over the Grand Canyon.
Japanese maple in Oregon.
Mount Roraima in North America. Its form inspired Arthur Conan Doyle to write the novel "The Lost World».
Ottawa River in Quebec, Canada.
Eyjafjallajokull (Eyjafjallajokull) volcano, northern Iceland. Erupts so beautiful that it was named after the goddess Aurora, Mistress of dawn.

The photo above got a lot of feedback from the network. Many felt that this is a consequence of manipulations weather conditions. In fact, no one knows what it was, but the clouds are beautiful. Photographed in South Dakota, clouds herald the approach of a storm. Undulatus asperatus (lat. Undulating hilly; and asperatus, asperatus) - so call these fearsome clouds.
Minnehaha Falls not far from Minneapolis. This natural park each year welcomes more than 850 million tourists. Colors frozen waterfall in the photo are what is in reality.

Naallarbor - Plain in Australia, ending like this rocky ledge. It reminds edge of the earth, although it is only the edge of the Australian mainland in the north of the Great Australian Bight.

Dragon Falls in Venezuela. Stunning beauty. Already captures the spirit!

Grand Teton (Eng. Grand Teton National Park) - National Park in the USA, in the northwest state of Wyoming.

River in the municipality of Castro Marim (Algarve, Portugal). Blue Dragon. Visible fully from a height of 1 km.

Mount Matterhorn in Switzerland.

This picture is often mistakenly referred to as Big Ben Zion National Park. And in fact it is Glen Canyon Dam Bridge over the Colorado River, located at the Glen Canyon Dam and reservoir Powell near Page in Arizona.

But this park Zion.

The three-dimensional waterfall in Lebanon.

Sea cave on the coast of Portugal.

Sunset in Sweden.

Oahu in Hawaii, Zip thousand waterfalls. Place served as a backdrop for the filming of the series "Lost».

Dalsnibba (Dalsnibba). Dalsnibba - the highest peak in the vicinity of Geirangerfjord (1476 m.) In Norway.

Lightning over the Grand Canyon.

Japanese maple in Oregon.
Mount Roraima in North America. Its form inspired Arthur Conan Doyle to write the novel "The Lost World».

Ottawa River in Quebec, Canada.

Eyjafjallajokull (Eyjafjallajokull) volcano, northern Iceland. Erupts so beautiful that it was named after the goddess Aurora, Mistress of dawn.