10 secrets of wealth, which are not written in books.
1. The best time for success
There is no better time to start becoming successful change rapidly and accumulate wealth than right now. The way you live today, determines how you will become in the future.
2. Look into the distance
When you buy something, always evaluate a thing in terms of the long-term effect. That is, do not look at it, how much to spend on paper, and what resources it will require some investment in the future (not only financial, but also of labor or temporary).
3. Unhealthy attitude to money
Many people have the money to two opposite emotions - love and hate. Love, because you can make purchases and receive positive emotions. Hate, because when they are not enough, there is a feeling that money and control their lives. If there is no money, people borrow money or credit. Discard the emotional purchases and credit cards.
4. Incorrect programming
Most people believe the money value. That's not it. Money - it's just a piece of paper. If you aim to "I want a million dollars" - is meaningless. In fact, you say you want a bunch of papers. Do so that the target was real and not just want money. That's why rich people do not keep wealth in money.
5. Money vs value
Money grow ourselves when we focus on value creation. Need to learn to create value needed by others. Then you will earn good money. Why do so many people who have won money in the lottery, quickly lost them? Because I do not know how sozddavat and do not create value.
6. It is not necessary to think
If your environment is adverse to money, says that the money - the evil, wealth and spoils people, the subconscious mind is programmed against the achievement of wealth. This approach needs to be changed.
7. Evaluation of the purchase
One of the bad habits - what we will never believe how many really worth buying. We do not know how many hours of work, energy and power will be forced to invest in order to afford this or that thing. Build the habit of buying evaluation before her commit. Podumate how much money you would have earned by investing that amount literate.
8. The use of money is worth the money
For financial transactions that we carry out, take a commission. Many people do not pay attention to it, but often it is a large sum. Are you ready to take, and more than 15% of the working day to kill in vain due to the fact that making money in a foreign ATM?
9. Successful people do not keep money in the state
Rich people have assets, the poor - credits, debts and liabilities. Need to store the state of the assets in order to save it from inflation.
10. Invest in your training
Education - the most valuable asset of your. Narabatyvaya new skills, you can earn more. Or learn the skills of business and make you not earned, while others earn you.
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