13 characters "Game of Thrones," who died in the series, but still alive in the books
Victims stsenaristovDzhordzh Martin is known as the "bloody (and unpredictable) killer" mega own characters from the series of novels "A Song of Ice and Fire", filmed in a TV series "Game of Thrones." But do not ignore the "bloodlust" the show's writers: they voluntarily ditched some of the characters are still alive in the books of Martin (the series is not finished yet). We have decided to recall all the "innocent victims" for the dynamism and unpredictability of the TV show. Beware of spoilers!
1. Talisa from Volantisa
Character wife Rob Stark has been completely rethought in the series. In the books, her name is Jane Vesterling and she is the daughter of one of the smaller vassals Stark. In the same series heroine - an aristocrat of the Outer land known as Talisa from Volantisa. Talisa killed along with her husband and mother-in the so-called "red wedding" in the books of Jane Vesterling alive and mourns the fallen husband. And maybe even (as some fans), is at the heart of his child.
2. Zhoyen Rid
Zhoyen Reed, Reed's younger brother Worlds - is 13-year-old boy with a "wise for his age" look and some supernatural powers. He appears in the seraglio for some time as one of the satellites Branagh in his wanderings. Zhoyen periodically dreams three-eyed raven and gives mysterious prophecy, until dying at the hands of white walker at the end of the fourth season of the series. His sister Mira goodbye to cut his throat from the charity in order to end the suffering. Despite this, in books Zhoyen still alive and well.
3 and 4. Pip and Grenn
The closest friends of John Snow, whom he met at the beginning of his service in the Night Watch, killed in the series at the end of the fourth season in the battle between dozornikami and wild. However, we meet them in the garrison Eastwatch-at-sea in the book "A Dance with Dragons", which describes more recent events.
5. Shireen Barateon
In one of the most violent scenes show the young Princess Shireen, daughter Stanis Baratheon, burned at the stake at the behest of her father, in order to "shed the royal blood" as a sacrifice to God R'hllor'u. It should be noted that this God has a weakness for members of the royal families.
In the novel, we zastaёm this character stuck in snow during the march to Winterfell with his father and mother. And although there are some hints that the girl's life may soon tragically, Martin is not done nothing wrong with it.
6 and 7. Rakharo and Irri
By the end of the latter at the moment of the book series "dragon dance", the two crew members Daenerys Targaryen (one bodyguard dotrakiets, the second - the maid) is sent to look for his queen, who came to walk with one of his dragons, but never I returned. In the series, they long since dead: Rakharo decided to do some of khalasara, Irri few episodes later strangled.
8. Ksar Ksoan Daksos
Merchants Elder Quarta, a rich man, hung with jewels, organized attempt on the queen Daenerys, but the plot is revealed and Ksar locked in his own treasury, along with Dora the former concubine, servant Deyneyris of the hand that killed Irri. There, apparently, it comes to an end, but in the book dies only Dora Ksar also "floats" in the subject after some time in Mierine. It gives Deyneyris thirteen ships, with the condition that she leave the Bay Slaver will float itself on about their business. Ksara is concerned that the emancipation of the slaves is bad for trade affairs quartile. However, the Queen of the Sea, rejected his proposal, whereby Quart joined the coalition against Mierina.
9. Piat Prey
You probably remember him: pale, skinny bald sorcerer with blue lips met Daenerys in quarts. Just as QSAR, this character we met in the second season of the series, was plotting to steal dragons and killed. Writers nasty witch burned, and in the book he lost a long time after the failure of the plotters, but in the fifth book Ksar tells Daenerys that Piat Prey alive and plans revenge.
10. Mans Nalёtchik
Mans raiders, also known as King of the-wall, dying at the stake for refusing to join the army Stanis Baratheon and bring him the oath of allegiance. Arrow John Snow facilitates its fate during the brutal execution. However, in the books Mans is still alive - in his place on the fire burned down one of the leaders of the Wild, which with the help of witchcraft gives the appearance Mansa. The series is, of course, we can still surprise and Mansa return to action, but given the writers love to cut off the secondary storylines, this is unlikely to happen.
11. Barristan Selmi
Fans sire Barristana, saddened by his death in the middle of the fifth season of "Game of Thrones", can find solace in books, where the former Knight and one of the most loyal vassals Daenerys was not killed by a group of insurgents known as the Sons of the Harpy. Instead, the book Barristan appointed by the Queen in Council Mierina, which should drive up to her return. It should be noted that in this position, he had a lot of problems ...
12. Points Hizdar Lorak
Daenerys husband also died in the books, but in the penultimate episode of the fifth season of "Games" was stabbed to death Sons of the Harpy.
13. Catelyn Stark
Everything is ambiguous: although in the books, as well as in the series, Lady of Winterfell is killed at the Red Wedding, later, she returned as a ghost, nicknamed heartless. The primary purpose of Catelyn was to point to the captive Merritt Frey as one of the members of the Red Wedding, which she does, in spite of cut throat. But then comes the ghost of a lady hawking and cobble together a predatory gang, rumors of which are widely distributed on the Seven Kingdoms.
The actress, who plays Catelyn in the series, clearly stated that her character we will not see. But who knows, who knows ...
via mentalfloss.com/article/65078/13-dead-game-thrones-tv-characters-who-are-still-alive-books
1. Talisa from Volantisa

Character wife Rob Stark has been completely rethought in the series. In the books, her name is Jane Vesterling and she is the daughter of one of the smaller vassals Stark. In the same series heroine - an aristocrat of the Outer land known as Talisa from Volantisa. Talisa killed along with her husband and mother-in the so-called "red wedding" in the books of Jane Vesterling alive and mourns the fallen husband. And maybe even (as some fans), is at the heart of his child.
2. Zhoyen Rid

Zhoyen Reed, Reed's younger brother Worlds - is 13-year-old boy with a "wise for his age" look and some supernatural powers. He appears in the seraglio for some time as one of the satellites Branagh in his wanderings. Zhoyen periodically dreams three-eyed raven and gives mysterious prophecy, until dying at the hands of white walker at the end of the fourth season of the series. His sister Mira goodbye to cut his throat from the charity in order to end the suffering. Despite this, in books Zhoyen still alive and well.
3 and 4. Pip and Grenn

The closest friends of John Snow, whom he met at the beginning of his service in the Night Watch, killed in the series at the end of the fourth season in the battle between dozornikami and wild. However, we meet them in the garrison Eastwatch-at-sea in the book "A Dance with Dragons", which describes more recent events.
5. Shireen Barateon

In one of the most violent scenes show the young Princess Shireen, daughter Stanis Baratheon, burned at the stake at the behest of her father, in order to "shed the royal blood" as a sacrifice to God R'hllor'u. It should be noted that this God has a weakness for members of the royal families.
In the novel, we zastaёm this character stuck in snow during the march to Winterfell with his father and mother. And although there are some hints that the girl's life may soon tragically, Martin is not done nothing wrong with it.
6 and 7. Rakharo and Irri

By the end of the latter at the moment of the book series "dragon dance", the two crew members Daenerys Targaryen (one bodyguard dotrakiets, the second - the maid) is sent to look for his queen, who came to walk with one of his dragons, but never I returned. In the series, they long since dead: Rakharo decided to do some of khalasara, Irri few episodes later strangled.
8. Ksar Ksoan Daksos

Merchants Elder Quarta, a rich man, hung with jewels, organized attempt on the queen Daenerys, but the plot is revealed and Ksar locked in his own treasury, along with Dora the former concubine, servant Deyneyris of the hand that killed Irri. There, apparently, it comes to an end, but in the book dies only Dora Ksar also "floats" in the subject after some time in Mierine. It gives Deyneyris thirteen ships, with the condition that she leave the Bay Slaver will float itself on about their business. Ksara is concerned that the emancipation of the slaves is bad for trade affairs quartile. However, the Queen of the Sea, rejected his proposal, whereby Quart joined the coalition against Mierina.
9. Piat Prey

You probably remember him: pale, skinny bald sorcerer with blue lips met Daenerys in quarts. Just as QSAR, this character we met in the second season of the series, was plotting to steal dragons and killed. Writers nasty witch burned, and in the book he lost a long time after the failure of the plotters, but in the fifth book Ksar tells Daenerys that Piat Prey alive and plans revenge.
10. Mans Nalёtchik

Mans raiders, also known as King of the-wall, dying at the stake for refusing to join the army Stanis Baratheon and bring him the oath of allegiance. Arrow John Snow facilitates its fate during the brutal execution. However, in the books Mans is still alive - in his place on the fire burned down one of the leaders of the Wild, which with the help of witchcraft gives the appearance Mansa. The series is, of course, we can still surprise and Mansa return to action, but given the writers love to cut off the secondary storylines, this is unlikely to happen.
11. Barristan Selmi

Fans sire Barristana, saddened by his death in the middle of the fifth season of "Game of Thrones", can find solace in books, where the former Knight and one of the most loyal vassals Daenerys was not killed by a group of insurgents known as the Sons of the Harpy. Instead, the book Barristan appointed by the Queen in Council Mierina, which should drive up to her return. It should be noted that in this position, he had a lot of problems ...
12. Points Hizdar Lorak

Daenerys husband also died in the books, but in the penultimate episode of the fifth season of "Games" was stabbed to death Sons of the Harpy.
13. Catelyn Stark

Everything is ambiguous: although in the books, as well as in the series, Lady of Winterfell is killed at the Red Wedding, later, she returned as a ghost, nicknamed heartless. The primary purpose of Catelyn was to point to the captive Merritt Frey as one of the members of the Red Wedding, which she does, in spite of cut throat. But then comes the ghost of a lady hawking and cobble together a predatory gang, rumors of which are widely distributed on the Seven Kingdoms.
The actress, who plays Catelyn in the series, clearly stated that her character we will not see. But who knows, who knows ...
via mentalfloss.com/article/65078/13-dead-game-thrones-tv-characters-who-are-still-alive-books