In this article you will learn how to configure itself to work and tasks that bring you to your goal.
Here are some ways how to set yourself on tasks that do not want to do.
Before performing this task read all the goals that you set for himself, to realize that this task will bring you to them.
Perform at least one unpleasant tasks a day after the Reward yourself (eat something delicious, relax, think yourself encouragement, small but nice).
Method Anchors
Tune in to perform tasks - create a small ritual.
Includes one and the same music when performing the same tasks, thereby influencing your subconscious
Drink a cup of coffee
Eat chocolate
And so on
Method of Swiss cheese
Divide the task into small steps and start out the ones you want at the moment.
For example, you learn English and you need to learn this week 100 words, but so lazy.
Choose the lightest words and learn them first, and then move on to more complex.
Learn not 15 words a day, and Learn first 5, then maybe wake up the desire to learn more 5 and more.
Fractions tasks as finely as possible.
Do anything that will propel you to your goal!