The Secret Life of watermelons from Takashi Ito
Chef Takashi Ito from Japan (Takashi Itoh) traveled. One day he visited Thailand and was surprised with what skills local chefs to easily create masterpieces of fruits and vegetables, covering the table in the restaurant.
In 2001, Takashi first tried his hand at carving. Something managed well, something did not go. I liked it to work with watermelons. Reasonably firm immature fetal gives huge scope for creativity. Especially, there is a watermelon elastic crust, which can mess around for hours. Although derived from the pulp of a more refined form.
Art carving (in the lane. From English. "Cut"), there are more than 700 years. In the Far East, mainly from fruit cut flowers and animal figures, the artists can afford to experiment with the creation of entities.
Many had to cook spoil watermelons before he overcame wisdom skill. But now without Takashi does not do any fancy cocktail party.
Here the artist has depicted himself.
Such an interesting art form originated in the Far East many centuries ago, when the berries are often decorated with carved lunch ladies of the highest rank.
Previously, from watermelon cut, usually legendary figures and flowers.
Now the master can afford to create a semblance of frescoes, sculptures by volume, cameos, in general, what skills will suffice.
Takashi sincerely believe that to master the skill of carving can be anyone. He himself says that quite a week. Whether oh?
This picture of "Melancholia" watermelon reproduction of a famous work of Van Gogh
In the process of watermelon the cook takes about an hour and a half.
"Watermelons are very rich in color and attract the eye, also is one of the biggest fruit, which gives room for imagination", - quotes chef «Telegraph».
Collections Takashi is getting more sophisticated and ornate. Skill growing, there are new ideas.
Asked whether the master is going to rest on our laurels, Takashi does not respond. However, there are rumors that Cook started to master the skill of creating fruit collage.
In 2001, Takashi first tried his hand at carving. Something managed well, something did not go. I liked it to work with watermelons. Reasonably firm immature fetal gives huge scope for creativity. Especially, there is a watermelon elastic crust, which can mess around for hours. Although derived from the pulp of a more refined form.

Art carving (in the lane. From English. "Cut"), there are more than 700 years. In the Far East, mainly from fruit cut flowers and animal figures, the artists can afford to experiment with the creation of entities.

Many had to cook spoil watermelons before he overcame wisdom skill. But now without Takashi does not do any fancy cocktail party.

Here the artist has depicted himself.

Such an interesting art form originated in the Far East many centuries ago, when the berries are often decorated with carved lunch ladies of the highest rank.

Previously, from watermelon cut, usually legendary figures and flowers.

Now the master can afford to create a semblance of frescoes, sculptures by volume, cameos, in general, what skills will suffice.

Takashi sincerely believe that to master the skill of carving can be anyone. He himself says that quite a week. Whether oh?

This picture of "Melancholia" watermelon reproduction of a famous work of Van Gogh

In the process of watermelon the cook takes about an hour and a half.

"Watermelons are very rich in color and attract the eye, also is one of the biggest fruit, which gives room for imagination", - quotes chef «Telegraph».

Collections Takashi is getting more sophisticated and ornate. Skill growing, there are new ideas.

Asked whether the master is going to rest on our laurels, Takashi does not respond. However, there are rumors that Cook started to master the skill of creating fruit collage.