WHY MODERN YOGA "not working"?
Having read the stories of the wonderful possibilities of hatha yoga, modern lovers Eastern exotica enthusiastically begin training. Time passes, the training is paying off and very zealous adherents get a good stretch, develop endurance and produce branded "yogic" lean.
But here's the "power yoga", allows the master of the early twentieth century to tear chain and keep elephants on the chest, as there was no and no. None of the local guru is not able to demonstrate any any serious fakir trick in the spirit Ramamurthy or Goswami.
Moreover, the famous Indian guru, like Iyengar and Jois, also on what is not. And their "advanced" Western students often give the impression goners or seriously ill people.
Why is this so? Because the kind of gymnastics, which we think of as "Hatha Yoga" has nothing to do with art, but is questionable remakes for suckers and foreigners. That is what the Indians call "karma-Cola" or "hunting of rhino».
The fact that almost all known in the west of hatha yoga gurus are students or disciples disciples of one man - Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya (1888-1889). From his school came such popular artists as Pattabhi Jois, BKS Iyengar, TKV Deshikachar, Indra Devi and many others.
His first yogashala (school of yoga) Krishnamacharya opened in 1931 in Dzhaganmohanskom Palace in Mysore. Financial support he had Maharaja of Mysore and methodical - Protestant functionaries subversive organization YMCA ("YMCA"), aims to "encourage young people to the ideals, values and behaviors inherent in the Christian way of life", but in reality - spiritually enslave India .
Methods of physical training was developed YMCA NS Tank in the "School for training directors of Indian Physical Culture" and is a combination of the Danish "primary gymnastics" Niels Bukh with elements of local gymnastic systems.
Conceptually, YMCA propagate non-violence, vegetarianism and unpretentious lifestyle.
All this must be done from Indian healthy, unpretentious, not able to resist the slave, completely immersed in his inner world and employed complex meaningless training session.
As shown by studies of modern scientists, the system Krishnamacharya is a synthesis of several popular gymnastic systems, no relation to Hatha yoga did not have.
In keeping with the doctrine YMCA, foundation training Krishnamacharya was the Danish Niels Bukh gymnastics with elements of the local wrestling gymnastics "Malla".
This system certainly were artificially "fit" several traditional asanas, but more for the exotic. Any significant role in the training they do not play.
Yogashala Krishnamacharya was located literally next to the athletic vyayamshaloy Ayer and these two schools have competed with each other.
That is why Krishnamacharya laid emphasis on accelerated training of students and spectacular asanas, requiring coordination and stretching.
From Ayer in "yoga" Krishnamacharya were prevneseny Surya Namaskar and abdominal massage, and all the power aspect is completely excluded.
After India's independence social tools YMCA changed hands, and today this modified "Hatha Yoga" was already used for the submission of the recent "white sahibs" and has become an essential element in the expansion of Hinduism to the west.
But here's the "power yoga", allows the master of the early twentieth century to tear chain and keep elephants on the chest, as there was no and no. None of the local guru is not able to demonstrate any any serious fakir trick in the spirit Ramamurthy or Goswami.
Moreover, the famous Indian guru, like Iyengar and Jois, also on what is not. And their "advanced" Western students often give the impression goners or seriously ill people.
Why is this so? Because the kind of gymnastics, which we think of as "Hatha Yoga" has nothing to do with art, but is questionable remakes for suckers and foreigners. That is what the Indians call "karma-Cola" or "hunting of rhino».
The fact that almost all known in the west of hatha yoga gurus are students or disciples disciples of one man - Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya (1888-1889). From his school came such popular artists as Pattabhi Jois, BKS Iyengar, TKV Deshikachar, Indra Devi and many others.
His first yogashala (school of yoga) Krishnamacharya opened in 1931 in Dzhaganmohanskom Palace in Mysore. Financial support he had Maharaja of Mysore and methodical - Protestant functionaries subversive organization YMCA ("YMCA"), aims to "encourage young people to the ideals, values and behaviors inherent in the Christian way of life", but in reality - spiritually enslave India .
Methods of physical training was developed YMCA NS Tank in the "School for training directors of Indian Physical Culture" and is a combination of the Danish "primary gymnastics" Niels Bukh with elements of local gymnastic systems.
Conceptually, YMCA propagate non-violence, vegetarianism and unpretentious lifestyle.
All this must be done from Indian healthy, unpretentious, not able to resist the slave, completely immersed in his inner world and employed complex meaningless training session.
As shown by studies of modern scientists, the system Krishnamacharya is a synthesis of several popular gymnastic systems, no relation to Hatha yoga did not have.
In keeping with the doctrine YMCA, foundation training Krishnamacharya was the Danish Niels Bukh gymnastics with elements of the local wrestling gymnastics "Malla".
This system certainly were artificially "fit" several traditional asanas, but more for the exotic. Any significant role in the training they do not play.
Yogashala Krishnamacharya was located literally next to the athletic vyayamshaloy Ayer and these two schools have competed with each other.
That is why Krishnamacharya laid emphasis on accelerated training of students and spectacular asanas, requiring coordination and stretching.
From Ayer in "yoga" Krishnamacharya were prevneseny Surya Namaskar and abdominal massage, and all the power aspect is completely excluded.
After India's independence social tools YMCA changed hands, and today this modified "Hatha Yoga" was already used for the submission of the recent "white sahibs" and has become an essential element in the expansion of Hinduism to the west.