CHARGING positive thinking Dale Carnegie "just today".
1. It is now befall me happiness. Happiness lies within us; it is not the result of external circumstances. Therefore man is happy so far as he is determined to be happy.
2. Just for today I will try to adapt to the life that surrounds me, and I will not try to adjust everything to my desires. I will take my family, my work, my life circumstances for what they are, and try to fully comply with them.
3. Just for today I will take care of his body. I do exercise, I will take care of your body, to avoid harmful influences and thoughts. My body is willing to fulfill all my requirements and installation.
4. Just for today I will try to pay attention to the development of his mind. I learn anything useful. I do not laziness to mental work. I read with interest that requires effort, thought, concentration.
5. Just for today I'll moral self-improvement. To do this, I will make someone something good, useful, and perform two works that I do not want to do.
6. Just for today I will be gracious to all. I'll try to look my best, I'll be kind and generous in his praise, I will not find fault with the people and try to correct them.
7. Just for today I will try to live only the present day, not trying to solve the problems of my life once. I can easily perform any, even routine, work.
8. Just for today I am scheduled program of their own affairs, I'll write that I was going to do every hour. This program will deliver me from the hurry and indecision, even if I can not perform it accurately.
9. Just for today I will spend half an hour at rest and solitude and try to relax.
10. Just for today I will not be afraid of life and their own happiness. I will love and believe that those whom I love, love me.
Best of all loud, clearly and slowly read it in the morning immediately after waking up.
There are no obstacles on the path to happiness. External events can not do anything, they are never the cause. Refer to the creative principle, inherent in you. Every thought - this is the reason, and each new reason is a new action. Decide to choose happiness! Happiest one who always does everything at the highest level.