Figures Jono Dry

Jono Dry - an artist from South Africa. He looks for inspiration in everyday life, so it works, we often see those objects and phenomena that surround us. His drawings are executed in pencil on paper or on special tablets. Each work aims to encourage the viewer to reflect. Artist shows and brittleness, and the invincibility of the reality around us, and this ambivalence - a special appeal of his work.

Each work aims to encourage the viewer to reflect. Artist shows and brittleness, and the invincibility of the reality around us, and this ambivalence - a special appeal of his work.

Master focuses on drawing the smallest details, so to create each of his paintings, he spends a few days to a couple of months. The reward for hard work are the most traced image comes alive before our eyes.

One of the most significant works by John Draya - painting, which depicts hands, depicting each other. The idea is not new, in fact, African reinterpreted the famous optical illusion «Drawing hands», created by maestro Asher in 1948. But John Dry slightly modified concept image: in his interpretation of one of the hand belongs to himself, and the second - his mother. A talented artist managed to turn into a popular illustration of deeply personal story of the relationship no longer a young mother and her adult son.
