Scientists can help women to give birth

Chinese company claims that it ever closer to that to help parents choose the embryo, which is likely to succeed in the future life. Researchers believe that are already capable of up to 50-80% to determine the IQ of a child. Now the company is engaged in the creation of genetic maps of people gifted in mathematics, in order to isolate the genes that make them more intelligent than the average person.

The company BGI took Mapping math gene, collecting DNA samples of mathematical geniuses. In addition, it has posted an ad on its website, which offers to all who wish to participate in this highly controversial study. The company BGI, formerly known as Beijing Genomics Institute, is the largest genetic research center in the world and has already collected 2000 samples of DNA of people with high IQ.

Next, the researchers plan to compare them with samples of people with average mental ability. The company hopes that this will help to calculate the genes for intelligence. In theory, this knowledge could be used, so that parents can get a "smart embryo."
Source: mirfactov.com/