Another Darwin

Recently came across a diary of Charles Darwin. Not that Darwin, with a beard and a chair, and a young, 23-year-old, which is the second attempt persuaded papa to let him go on a sailboat "Beagle" on a long voyage.
The ship was re-built, the latest wood machinery, Darwin gave it tiny kayutku, in which instead of the bed was a hammock sea. The first time he fought with this hammock had unsuccessfully tried to climb up on his feet forward all the time and therefore dropped.
In the sea, while pitching his heavily sick, all life on the ship would have been sheer torture, if not the captain, who invited him daily to his cabin for dinner.
In these diaries, Darwin presents a modest, well-mannered, devout and love in the natural sciences. At the end of his life, he did not write about the survival of fittest, and has attended public cooperation in nature, the natural cooperation that we have seen in herds of animals, flocks of fish and swarms of bees, and certainly in the monkey families where evolutionarily speaking, and conceived the idea of the workforce.
This side of Darwin's legacy as modern Darwinists do not really favor and pushing more on adaptation and selection, as a tool for animal progress. Roughly speaking - survives the one who has adapted, and others - please, for mammoths and dinosaurs.
Every time in the secret corners of nature are species that, like, have become extinct a long time ago, but in fact alive and well currently exist - it becomes known. Perhaps journalists, especially the elderly, who have already hinted that they are dinosaurs, it's nice to know that that's kind of the extinct 50 million years, and today it is healthy and happy.
Found himself a cushy job at a depth of 3 km, near the exit of hot volcanic jets with a temperature of 400 degrees. In this hell, none of them, of course, does not enter, but if you just move away, it is just.
Or - the other option, drilled naturalists floe thickness of 700 m and below, in the eternal darkness of the ocean found a rich zooplankton life.
Remember passing in 1938, when Comoros raised from the depths of coelacanth fish, which is considered the closest to the sea now living tetrapods. It was believed that she died of 200-300 million years ago. And then, tail twisting and underdeveloped legs moving. Obviously, in the four-legged and did not leave, even millions of years have not helped.
It turns out that from an evolutionary point of view, all kinds of animals - a dead end process. Unless, of course, this process was generally.
We must remember the legacy of the late Darwin, because without cooperation and collaboration multibillion human mass eat, poison and destroy everything that nature has brought to everyone's delight and benefit.
< Seva Novgorodsev