Low levels of selection

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill expressed his dissatisfaction with the fact that children from schools in Moscow do not want to learn the basics of Orthodox culture. This cleric blamed the school administration and the parents of children.
Recently all Moscow schools was the question of whether children want to study the subject "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture." The results showed that this agreement is only 23, 4% of students, which is the lowest in the Central Federal District.
According to the patriarch, in this low blame the parents of children who do not explain to them the importance of religion. But mostly, says Cyril, blame principals, parents who instill the wrong idea about this subject. They merely seek to ensure that teach the basics of secular ethics and culture of the world, RIA Novosti reported.
The patriarch also stressed that the church offered to enter the module "Basics of secular ethics" that can choose non-religious people. "By doing this the right step towards non-religious people, we could not imagine that this item will be used to deprive people of the opportunity to learn Orthodox culture of their own. I think that these imbalances would undoubtedly be corrected, - said Kirill.
According to Defense Minister Dmitry Livanov, today the foundations of religious culture and secular ethics in the general study 1, 3 million students, in particular the subject of the defense industry - 416 thousand pupils. In general, the Russian defense industry study course about 30% of pupils.