Tanker USSR
Facts about the best Soviet tank crews
On January 7 1911 born Zinovy Kolobanov - Soviet tank ace, the company commander of heavy tanks and just another hero of the Great Patriotic War, which did not receive any awards or fame during his lifetime. Meanwhile, August 20, 1941 the crew of his KV-1 in one battle destroyed 22 enemy tanks. This fight is a recognized expert in the unique military history.
1. The main achievement of his life tanker made in August 1941.
August 19th company of tanks KV-1 under the command Kolobanova ranked defense in an ambush near the town Krasnogvardeysky (Gatchina). He himself chose the position of commander of the swamp highway passing through. When a column of German tanks appeared fully in sight, he was ordered to line the first and last two cars, and then consistently shot all 22 German PzKpfw IV (Pantserkampfvagen IV, the Soviet Union was also known as T-IV).
By the end of the battle his company reported the destruction of 43 enemy tanks. After the fight in his car crew Kolobanova counted 156 (!) Hits German shells.
This battle has no analogues in the world history and confirms the tactical genius and military success Zinovy Grigorevich. He himself recalled: "I am often asked whether it scary? But I - a military man, was ordered to fight to the death. This means that the adversary can go through my position only when I will not be alive. I accepted the order for execution, and no "fear" I have not occurred and may not occur ».
2. Kolobanov participated in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940, where his KV-1 has gone to the border to Vyborg.
For a breakthrough of the Mannerheim Line Kolobanov became a Hero of the Soviet Union (in the beginning of March 1940 received the Gold Star and the Order of Lenin) and he was given an extraordinary rank of captain. But his men fraternizing with the Finnish soldiers after the signing of the Moscow Treaty on March 12, 1940 and was stripped of his titles and awards.
3. On the Great Patriotic War was called July 3, 1941. The first armored division Kolobanov came from stock.
His assigned to protect Leningrad from the Nazis abroad, he himself tanker this turn of fate was satisfied as to the city on the Neva, he had a special warm attitude from the time of service in the Leningrad Military District. As he himself said: "Since I already had combat experience - went through the entire Finnish and three burned in a tank, then gave the" lieutenants "and appointed commander of the company».
4. In September 1941 Kolobanov was seriously wounded and risk for life remain disabled.
"It happened on 21 September. At night. At the cemetery in Pushkin. There geseemovtsy came to fill us to a ride ammunition. I remember that I got out of the car, all of a sudden - the gap, I was lifted into the air and threw. I lost consciousness immediately, hastily trying to move. But I was taken out, I do not remember, "- recalls the hero.
The hospital recorded documents "shrapnel damage the head and spine. Contusion brain and spinal cord. " He lay formation in 1943 and 1944. Then he started to get up, he could only walk with a stick.
"For some reason I was convinced that I die. But it turned out a cripple. The whole body is shaking passed around, shaking his head. Gain strength and courage, she asked again to his native army. I had, of course, throw a stick, hold on. Great happiness: taken. Served. Comrades, I have understood and helped. Thank them. I can only say that the soldier's bread I ate no wonder: with time my tank battalion was named the best in the army, the commander gave me exactly hunting rifle "- proudly told Kolobanov after the war.
5. Once Kolobanov asked to speak to the military history of the conference.
He talked about the role of a tank platoon in a defensive battle and referred to his own good example. The next speaker, took the podium, smiled and said sarcastically to the gym offensive words: "fibbers you Kolobanov! To fight in the same tank crew destroyed 22 - there was no such! Yes, and it could not be ».
Holding back the excitement, Zinovy G. transmitted to the Presidency yellowed sheet Front newspaper, which has been described by his heroic feat. Led the General Conference of the scanned text, called the speaker to himself and ordered: "Read aloud to the entire audience heard!»
6. All members of the tank crew involved in the legendary tank battle near Gatchina, were presented to the commander of the regiment Pogodin Hero of the Soviet Union, but no one did not get the title.

On January 7 1911 born Zinovy Kolobanov - Soviet tank ace, the company commander of heavy tanks and just another hero of the Great Patriotic War, which did not receive any awards or fame during his lifetime. Meanwhile, August 20, 1941 the crew of his KV-1 in one battle destroyed 22 enemy tanks. This fight is a recognized expert in the unique military history.
1. The main achievement of his life tanker made in August 1941.
August 19th company of tanks KV-1 under the command Kolobanova ranked defense in an ambush near the town Krasnogvardeysky (Gatchina). He himself chose the position of commander of the swamp highway passing through. When a column of German tanks appeared fully in sight, he was ordered to line the first and last two cars, and then consistently shot all 22 German PzKpfw IV (Pantserkampfvagen IV, the Soviet Union was also known as T-IV).
By the end of the battle his company reported the destruction of 43 enemy tanks. After the fight in his car crew Kolobanova counted 156 (!) Hits German shells.
This battle has no analogues in the world history and confirms the tactical genius and military success Zinovy Grigorevich. He himself recalled: "I am often asked whether it scary? But I - a military man, was ordered to fight to the death. This means that the adversary can go through my position only when I will not be alive. I accepted the order for execution, and no "fear" I have not occurred and may not occur ».
2. Kolobanov participated in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940, where his KV-1 has gone to the border to Vyborg.
For a breakthrough of the Mannerheim Line Kolobanov became a Hero of the Soviet Union (in the beginning of March 1940 received the Gold Star and the Order of Lenin) and he was given an extraordinary rank of captain. But his men fraternizing with the Finnish soldiers after the signing of the Moscow Treaty on March 12, 1940 and was stripped of his titles and awards.
3. On the Great Patriotic War was called July 3, 1941. The first armored division Kolobanov came from stock.
His assigned to protect Leningrad from the Nazis abroad, he himself tanker this turn of fate was satisfied as to the city on the Neva, he had a special warm attitude from the time of service in the Leningrad Military District. As he himself said: "Since I already had combat experience - went through the entire Finnish and three burned in a tank, then gave the" lieutenants "and appointed commander of the company».
4. In September 1941 Kolobanov was seriously wounded and risk for life remain disabled.
"It happened on 21 September. At night. At the cemetery in Pushkin. There geseemovtsy came to fill us to a ride ammunition. I remember that I got out of the car, all of a sudden - the gap, I was lifted into the air and threw. I lost consciousness immediately, hastily trying to move. But I was taken out, I do not remember, "- recalls the hero.
The hospital recorded documents "shrapnel damage the head and spine. Contusion brain and spinal cord. " He lay formation in 1943 and 1944. Then he started to get up, he could only walk with a stick.
"For some reason I was convinced that I die. But it turned out a cripple. The whole body is shaking passed around, shaking his head. Gain strength and courage, she asked again to his native army. I had, of course, throw a stick, hold on. Great happiness: taken. Served. Comrades, I have understood and helped. Thank them. I can only say that the soldier's bread I ate no wonder: with time my tank battalion was named the best in the army, the commander gave me exactly hunting rifle "- proudly told Kolobanov after the war.
5. Once Kolobanov asked to speak to the military history of the conference.
He talked about the role of a tank platoon in a defensive battle and referred to his own good example. The next speaker, took the podium, smiled and said sarcastically to the gym offensive words: "fibbers you Kolobanov! To fight in the same tank crew destroyed 22 - there was no such! Yes, and it could not be ».
Holding back the excitement, Zinovy G. transmitted to the Presidency yellowed sheet Front newspaper, which has been described by his heroic feat. Led the General Conference of the scanned text, called the speaker to himself and ordered: "Read aloud to the entire audience heard!»
6. All members of the tank crew involved in the legendary tank battle near Gatchina, were presented to the commander of the regiment Pogodin Hero of the Soviet Union, but no one did not get the title.