Dog ...

If you have a dog in your life, a lot has changed since the time you were living alone. This collection of funny moments so to speak bachelor life and the life of the dog.

Here's an example so you can engage in sports before

And with the advent of the dog is a completely different procedure.

The toilet was clean

Kind of a little became another

Yes, and soon began to rub off shoes

Such photos you have previously had a lot

Now they have changed

Do you remember how you did not like to get up in the morning

Sfilonit just will not work

For computer could sit for hours

It was not there)


Well, romantic evenings by candlelight


Now you have a sensitive overseer


Evenings, parties


And the evening were other


And lie on the grass could calm


Now, something like this




And mourn could


You will be sad, huh

