"Earthrise" - reconstruction of Apollo 8 mission to the moon by NASA in honor of the 45th anniversary events
Photo titled «Восход Earth »(Earthrise) is one of the most important in the history of mankind. In this photo we see the Earth rising above the lunar horizon. Probably, this picture made astronaut William Anders during a flyby of the moon on the "Apollo-8". With the help of modern technology and apparatus Lunar reconnaissance orbiter (LRO), NASA experts managed to recreate that photo in digital form, and even more so - to create a model of Travel «Apollo 8", arranging to obtain materials in the video.
Now each of us can trace the path of the spacecraft and its crew, until getting the photos (of course, modeled, and the time of lifting of the Earth due to the lunar horizon).
Video is provided with the appropriate text and data helps to understand what's what. All this - in English, but not too hard to understand, even if you do not know the language.
And, of course, can not come as a surprise the fact that since the mission "Apollo 8" has passed for 45 years. Probably Habré not many people who see this event (conscious eyewitnesses, not observers of the Soviet screen TV in 2-3 years :)).
Well, look forward to new achievements of NASA and commercial organizations involved in the development of space travel (in the future, we hope - and on the other planets of the solar system).
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/207052/