Sony released a universal USB flash drive for PC / Mobile

Japanese company Sony has recently announced an interesting range of USB-flash. These flash cards can be called universal, because they may be used as laptops / PCs, and mobile devices with micro-USB. The drive itself reversible.
On the one hand it is - a very common connector for USB-connector. On the other hand, if you remove the cap - there is micro-USB connector. With such a device work almost all the tablets and phones with the Android OS.
In general, it is a very convenient way to quickly copy files from your smartphone to laptop and vice versa, without the need to connect all the data cables or fiddle with setting up a wireless connection. Among other things, this kind of USB flash drive can be used as additional storage for your mobile device - for example, if you need to do a lot of pictures or videos.
As soon as the flash drive is "hammered", it can be connected to a laptop or PC, and throw all the files back to make room for these "feats".

Adapted to the flash drive USB 2.0, and is available in versions 8/16/32 GB, priced at 20/30/63 US dollar respectively. Among other things, Sony also offers a free file manager, which is not so often set manufacturers of mobile devices to their devices.
via Sony
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/206020/