Child in China chained to the chain
This shocking story of the human mind against the backdrop of a modern developed society. A boy named Xe Zili, who is only 11 years old living in hell. When he was one year old, he injured his head, after which he developed mental rasstroystva.
Mother Hye Zili died early from cancer, and "educate" his grandfather became disabled and the father, who is suffering from intellectual retardation. Why are they chained the boy to the circuit? Family Chinese baby intends thus to protect society from the assaults unbalanced Xe. They believe that the boy tied to a chain will not cause anyone vreda.
All day long the boy spends at home, chained to the wall. If he wants to take a walk, the grandfather or father of the boy, walking a dog like Xe. This story - a vivid example of how to relate to people with mental disorders in Kitae.
Source: mirfactov.com/