Abandoned summer camp
This once-blooming and filled with children's laughter camp titled "Youth" is located near the sanatorium "Pine Forest", a picturesque location of the Ryazan region - Solotcha. He is now completely destroyed and only a rusty swing for children and rotten benches reminiscent of past grandeur. Nearby cities: Ryazan, Novomichurinsk, Kasimov
Coordinates: 54 ° 46'49 «N 39 ° 48'31» E
At present 2013 summer camp "Youth" completely abandoned and looted. On the territory has preserved - residential one-story wooden building, wooden single-storey housing units - eight buildings (one broken), a wooden two-story farm house with a dining terrace, two-storey wooden case (eighth detachment), a fragment of a wooden podium, fragments of the front gate, wooden floor household housing stock and civil defense, brick building switchboard, brick bathroom. Storey wooden residential buildings, typical for the second half of the sixties - early seventies, for the same period is all the architectural solutions pioneer camp. Metal structures and virtually no furniture, walls and roofs of buildings partially rotted wooden structures and are in poor condition, any interesting artifacts found, sculptures and fountains dismantled. Wooden case of the fourth unit is completely destroyed. The interest for photography is complex, and the kitchen-dining area housing pioneer detachments.
Source: novikovski.livejournal.com
Coordinates: 54 ° 46'49 «N 39 ° 48'31» E
At present 2013 summer camp "Youth" completely abandoned and looted. On the territory has preserved - residential one-story wooden building, wooden single-storey housing units - eight buildings (one broken), a wooden two-story farm house with a dining terrace, two-storey wooden case (eighth detachment), a fragment of a wooden podium, fragments of the front gate, wooden floor household housing stock and civil defense, brick building switchboard, brick bathroom. Storey wooden residential buildings, typical for the second half of the sixties - early seventies, for the same period is all the architectural solutions pioneer camp. Metal structures and virtually no furniture, walls and roofs of buildings partially rotted wooden structures and are in poor condition, any interesting artifacts found, sculptures and fountains dismantled. Wooden case of the fourth unit is completely destroyed. The interest for photography is complex, and the kitchen-dining area housing pioneer detachments.
Source: novikovski.livejournal.com