At MIT have developed physically change the shape of the screen

Something futuristic showed five employees MIT - screen inFORM (Dynamic Shape Display), physically change shape depending on what he "shows».
Technically, we are talking about a certain plane, which strengthened the "physical voxels", able to change its height to give it the value of the parameters of the virtual object that you want to show or, in the literal sense, the physical size of a real object with which the screen interacts with the help of Kinect .
This creates the effect of "physical presence" of the object, which can be located in front of the sensor arbitrarily far from the screen. It is noticeable that the "resolution" of the screen until a small, but if you imagine that it will reach the level of Retina, then the concept of 3D-modeling and 3D-printing will switch to an entirely new level.
In this case, the best demonstration of the development will be the video:
Scientific article authors to develop available in pdf.
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UPD: post was updated at fair comments from the comments, so that they refer to the old version of the text.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/202078/