Flew, cheaper: as smartphones and tablets losing value at resale

This boom is not subject to fashion trends, but against technological progress does not trample: software and gadgets requirements change so rapidly that even the most top models become obsolete in a couple of years. This implies an urgent need to periodically update the park glands, especially when it comes to mobile devices. And what to do with the already unnecessary gadget? You can forget the far drawer, you can give, but you can sell. Having passed this way many times, I have long been in the selection and purchase of new equipment think about how it will later sell. Especially for his habrabloga portal « Hand in Hand » prepared a little entertaining analyst: how fast and how much to lose in price gadgets - smartphones and tablets - and how shop so that less waste for resale.
For comparison, we took on 10 of the most frequently encountered in the secondary market of smartphones and tablets, issued under the year 2012, in good condition with traces of natural wear (some minor scratches). These, of course, are collected on the basis of proposals site « Hand in Hand "of November.

The main conclusion is disappointing: for a smartphone over year drop in prices is considered not as a percentage, and in times.
Another interesting observation: on average, tablets are becoming cheaper much slower phones - probably because of greater functionality.
In this technique Apple losing value less than the other brands of gadgets - here play a role and image of the brand, and a reasonable policy support. Android smartphones depreciate fast enough, even popular and expensive models. Accordingly, the Apple tablet are in a doubly advantageous position.
Soft matter: say, a low price tag due to lack of iPhone 3GS iOS 7 and outdated screen. Lack of support for the latest versions of the operating system affects the price. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for the poor performance of the droids on long distances - a rare manufacturer produces more than one OS update for their products.
Tips seller h4>
If your gadget is not preserved in perfect, without a single scratch condition, the best tactic when it is sold will reduce the price relative to similar proposals by several hundred rubles. For those tablets discount of 500 rubles - not a major blow to your pocket, but very powerful advantage against the background of similar proposals. Sometimes buyers are interested in the causes of such dumping - if your conscience is clear, you can safely say that you are driven by the desire to sell quickly.
The price above the market average can be administered only in two cases: if the status of the device close to perfect, you saved the original box and packaging, or you give complete accessories (in good condition), like Great cases, docks, or high-capacity flash drives. < / blockquote>
In other situations, the packaging affects the price is extremely low. Usually it only pay attention when buying nearly new product - so immediately throw out the box it is not necessary (it is useful and when you return / exchange gadget).
For two years of existence smartphones packaging - no reason to raise the price. But for some iPad 3 box quite adds 500 rubles. The same applies to set - for fresh devices complete absence of accessories, such as cable, charging, ears, and something else - a reason to reduce the price by 10-15%. For old gadgets is not so important, because the price tag is already in the bar in 5000 rubles.
It is worth to remind that the availability of high-quality photos, detailed descriptions, additional buns and alternative communication (Skype, ICQ, e-mail) significantly accelerate the sales process. From my own experience I can say that a competent quotation + generous and honest description allow to part with unnecessary piece of iron a day or two.
The worst way to sell your old smartphone: put a price higher than the average simply because you yourself once shelled out for this gadget ads accompany a muddy dark photo, to make the description of the one and a half lines that do not leave any other means of communication, in addition to phone . This classified at risk of becoming dull longevity last pages listings. Blockquote>
Share experiences and ask questions in the comments, and we will try to report useful information from the market often classified ads.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/izrukvruki/blog/202118/