Anonymous posted the personal correspondence of deputies of the Party of Regions
Hackers from the group Anonymous claim , got access to the correspondence of deputies from the Party of Regions. Hackers have posted 4 files, each with several hundred megabytes.
In a statement on his blog Anonymous criticized the government of Ukraine, President Yanukovych and the ruling Party of Regions. Hackers have also made a request of Ukraine's future in Europe, offered to release Yulia Tymoshenko and sign an association agreement with the EU.
"We want to show the real face of the Ukrainian government and politicians. They steal, they lie, they live richly "- Anonymous claim.
Ends address with the words «Slava Ukraini!»
Recall that few days ago hackers group Anonymous said about breaking one of the servers Ukrainian customs CUSTOMS.GOV.UA, which was responsible for Odessa customs and transportation of goods in the region of the Danube and the Black Sea.
A in late October hackers laid out in the open access emails Ukrainian Foreign Ministry after scrapping their server.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/202920/