"All good works," and the programmer - the best!
Have you ever thought about what a person needs to be happy? According to Maslow, each person is made up of four components: body, heart, mind and soul.
- The body needs money and security.
- Heart - love and recognition.
- Mind - development and self-improvement.
- Soul - self-realization.
Money and security h5>
Software developer today one of the most sought-after professions. Research Centre recruitment portal Superjob.ru проанализировал increase salary expectations 10 000 experts in Moscow, graduated from public universities in the capital from 2006 to 2010.
The average growth level of expected return on the occupations studied for 5 years was 55%, which means that professionals who have graduated from high school in 2006, the average claim for a salary of more than one and a half times the salary expectations of graduates of 2010. Against this background, the high payroll appetites, as well as their impressive growth demonstrated developers: professionals with a degree of 5-year-old claim for salaries, to 1, 79 times higher than the expectations of graduates starting 2010. Interestingly, young programmers, graduation last year, claim the highest starting salary among all professions we examined - 39 thousand rubles.
According RUSSOFT number of resume in the "Software Development" from April 2012 to April 2013 increased by 28%, and the number of vacancies - 62%. 49% of employers in different countries of the world (Russia 73%) have difficulty in filling critical IT vacancies in their companies. IT professionals ranked third in the list of the most difficult to cover vacant posts. Especially in demand programmers Java, J2EE and .Net.
Because of the existing disparities, almost everywhere in the world is increasing the size of the average salary of programmers. In most cases the increase is not less than 5-10% per year.
According to a recent документу "The development strategy of the information technology industry in the Russian Federation in 2014 - 2020 years, and up to 2025" marked tendency will intensify.
Number of high-tech jobs in the Russian IT industry will increase from 300 thsd. In 2012 to 700 thsd. In 2020. The volume of production of domestic products and services in the sphere of information technologies will increase from 270 to 620 billion. Rubles.
Venture capital funds in 2012, Russia invested in the information technology industry more than 18 billion. Rubles. Among the Russian innovation industry volume of venture capital investments in information technology is maximum - about 70 percent and continues to grow steadily.
Love and recognition h5>
The company Universum released annual ranking of the most attractive companies for students in 2013. The rating was made on the results of surveys about 200,000 students of business and technical specialties of the best universities. For the fifth year in a row most of the respondents said they would like to work at Google. The fifth and sixth place in the ranking took as IT companies, Microsoft and Apple.
And yet, in software development, as elsewhere, demand for self-organizing and self-managing teams, based on trust, mutual support and interoperability, comprehensive development and utilization of individual and group potential.
The development and cultivation h5>
In our industry, common joke: "If you have a slow Internet connection, you can always keep up with information technology." In every joke, of course, only a joke share. Because information technology is the developing branch of knowledge. That's just a fact. According to the project «Russian Scientific Conference» for 10 months of 2013 to 123 Information Technology held a conference on the management - 81 (1 , 5 fold less), Nanotechnology - 62 (2-fold less), Telecommunications - 14 (9 times less).
A few figures from the Internet. The number of courses on Information Technology in the directory CA R-Style than 2000 , Network Academy LANIT - 500 , CA Luxoft - 200 a >. In no other industry there are no proposals on training and development.
Self-realization h5>
Finally. Software Development - a branch of the enormous opportunities. Most outstanding software products created by students "in the garage." Here are the facts.
Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004, initially as an exclusive network for Harvard students.
Search engine Google was founded by two Stanford University graduate students Larry Page (Larry Page) and Sergey Brin (Sergey Brin).
In 1977, a young programmer Larry Ellison dropped out of Yale to start their own business. Larry Ellison, the disposal of which was only $ 1,200, persuaded Bob Miner and Ed Oates, his former colleagues, to create his own company. [...] So in 1977 there was a Software Development Lab., Soon renamed first to Relational Software Inc., and then - in Oracle. Young programmers, whose total investments in the business to $ 2 thousand., Started the development of a database management system (DBMS), based on the principles of relational algebra.
Microsoft. The company history started in 1975 when fellow students at Harvard, Bill Gates and Paul Allen read published January 1, 1975 in the journal «Popular Electronics (Eng.)" Article on the new personal computer the Altair 8800, developed for a language interpreter Basic. A month later, on February 1, it signed a license agreement with Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (Eng.) (MITS), the manufacturer of the PC, on the use of Basic in the composition of software for Altair. His first year of the new company, which employs three people, has a turnover of $ 16, 005 thousand.
And, finally, the result of implemented features. In the ranking of billionaires by Forbes magazine for 2013:
Number 2, Bill Gates, Microsoft
Number 5 Larry Ellison, Oracle
Number 20 Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Google
Number 66, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
Good luck to all colleagues!