Magic snowflakes patterns
Russian photographer Alexey klyatyh use makeshift installation, for fixing stunning closeup snowflakes. Of course, the definition of "self-made setting" slightly exaggerated and it is collected by Alexei.
Alex klyatyh photographed snowflakes on her balcony. As part of the installation, he uses other than the camera Canon A650, the lens Helios 44M-5 from the old Soviet camera brand "Zenith", a little tape, a piece of glass and wooden bar. Snowflakes Alexis gets really luxurious. Anyway, snowflakes - ideal models. After all, there are no two identical snowflakes. In his blog, the author describes in detail the entire process of creating these beautiful closeup.
Photo by Aleksey Klyatova
Alex klyatyh photographed snowflakes on her balcony. As part of the installation, he uses other than the camera Canon A650, the lens Helios 44M-5 from the old Soviet camera brand "Zenith", a little tape, a piece of glass and wooden bar. Snowflakes Alexis gets really luxurious. Anyway, snowflakes - ideal models. After all, there are no two identical snowflakes. In his blog, the author describes in detail the entire process of creating these beautiful closeup.

Photo by Aleksey Klyatova