Dr. Yang

Look closely at this picture ... you see it? The upper part of the face of David Beckham looks as if there has not been without Botox.
Maybe footballer read dissatisfaction with his Neanderthal eyebrows, but maybe he's just trying to keep up with his wife, Posh Spice, whose face no wrinkles, in any case, the person David definitely looks more stretched (in the truest sense of the word).

An expert in the field of plastic surgery star Dr. Anthony Yang confirms this assumption: "It is obvious that David Beckham made a couple of Botox injections in the frontal part of the face." Some people have Botox can give the look of gloom, as can be seen from other celebrities such as Nicole Kidman.

In the case of David and views were a little surprised, but some of the photos even exasperated.

Dr. Yang said that even if David and "went under the needle," he is not alone. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgery, the number of men who made Botox injections in 2008 was 300,000, a figure that is constantly growing.
"More and more men choose Botox in the struggle for youth, - he says. - Today is the most popular procedure, which are men. Quite often I see the men who come to the procedure, together with their wives, who have made yourself an injection before ».
From stellar male clients can be called Sylvester Stallone, Simon Cowell and his friend, chef Gordon Ramsay:
Sylvester Stallone

Simon Cowell

Gordon Ramsay

This summer, the couple will celebrate 12 years of marriage, well, maybe it's true when they say, "if the couple pays for Botox together, the couple remains together».