Twilight in Ukraine
Here sometimes as planned - a longing takes ... In America, as any series about vampires removed, but to us Yukrayne in this respect also the horse is not lying ... But Aliluyya! - Fear of their dreams because they are destined to come true! From tomorrow on one of the Ukrainian TV channels (TET if someone does say something), launched an unprecedented project - a mystical series "Split. The voice of the blood. " Do you know what it is? Summary: There is a girl that (suddenly) is Split (vampire prophet), but she goes to school and did not know about it. Therefore, the oldest vampire puts her 400-year-old vampire disguised as a handsome-guy. He goes to a school where the main character learns and (suddenly!) Falls in love with her! What is the original course! But for the girl's heart will fight another chuvachok, her classmate. Whom did she choose? In general, we now have their Edward and Bella, and Stefan and Elena, who both NRA. We sing, we dance, beat drums ...
"Split. The voice of the blood "- this is not an original idea Ukrainian filmmakers. This is an adaptation of the same name Israel (!) Of the series, released in 2009.
Israeli poster
Few details. Though the series and Ukrainian but the action takes place in St. Petersburg (?). Heroes are enrolled in some closed elite school (something like Barvikha). Creators promise here Th (quote)
For primhoyu dolі, Kai is the Lіya pokohayut one single, ale, ni for the laws of men, ni for laws vampіrіv stink mozhut not be together. In vipadku torn down ascribed, obidva pozbudutsya svoїh nadlyudskih zdіbnostey i will urazlivimi yak zvichaynі people. Zakohanі postayut before folding Vibor ... Zalishaєtsya odne - zmіniti law. Chi vdastsya їm tse? In Borotba for Vlad that Kohannya vstupayut usі - people vampіri, napіvkrovki, the prophets, the Paladin.
EPT, "the struggle for power and love, in which people enter, vampіri, napіvkrovki prophets, Paladin ..." ... and this is our budget, which is not measured in millions of dollars and thousands of hryvnia ... Bliiiin, well, that's the fifth point feel that will be very miserable and ragulno
A little about the main characters. Most of them have strange names for Russian
Leah Rozanov (actress Christine Brody) - the same split (poluvampir-poluchelovek). Closed, shy girl, like many guys, but not particularly seeks to meet someone. She has a hobby - Leah creates sculptures (well come up with about sculpture, otherwise in nature - spilled Bell)
Kai, he's Kostya (Artem Krylov) - the most handsome vampire. Girls fall in piles on its type, but he falls in love, according to the law of the genre, it is clear to anyone ...
Anton (Maxim Salnikov) - best friend Leah, secretly in love with her. What features or supernatural has not
Luke (beautiful Russian name) - the younger brother of Lee, lead singer of the school band
Maya (Maria Akhmetzyanova) - the first beauty school, the daughter of the director. Laid eyes on Kai
Max (Ilya Shydlouski) - Maya's friend. Will be with her intrigue Leah
Ardek (Vladimir Markov) - vampire prophet. It was he who directs Kaya on special assignment
Manfred (Igor Mirkubanov) - Ardeka brother, wants to seize power in the vampire world ...
That all was clear, the main intrigue is what it is. According to long-time prediction Leah is the next prophet to replace Ardeka. Ardek sends Kai protect Woman, because after her paladins - vampire slayer. Over time, Kai and Leah happen L'Amour, but the vampire laws, the prophet can not be beloved. Kai and Leah have to fight for his love. Well connected in the course of the rest of the company of heroes - someone bothers someone helps, all the laws of the genre
That can result from such a leaven ??? I do not know ... A little hard to believe that this creation will be able to make any competition the same "Vampire Diaries" (on "Twilight" already and we are not talking). Israeli prototype I have not seen the series, but KinoPoisk had good reviews that surprised. In general, forward premiere and then we can draw conclusions.
And how do you assess the prospects of this series?

"Split. The voice of the blood "- this is not an original idea Ukrainian filmmakers. This is an adaptation of the same name Israel (!) Of the series, released in 2009.
Israeli poster

Few details. Though the series and Ukrainian but the action takes place in St. Petersburg (?). Heroes are enrolled in some closed elite school (something like Barvikha). Creators promise here Th (quote)
For primhoyu dolі, Kai is the Lіya pokohayut one single, ale, ni for the laws of men, ni for laws vampіrіv stink mozhut not be together. In vipadku torn down ascribed, obidva pozbudutsya svoїh nadlyudskih zdіbnostey i will urazlivimi yak zvichaynі people. Zakohanі postayut before folding Vibor ... Zalishaєtsya odne - zmіniti law. Chi vdastsya їm tse? In Borotba for Vlad that Kohannya vstupayut usі - people vampіri, napіvkrovki, the prophets, the Paladin.
EPT, "the struggle for power and love, in which people enter, vampіri, napіvkrovki prophets, Paladin ..." ... and this is our budget, which is not measured in millions of dollars and thousands of hryvnia ... Bliiiin, well, that's the fifth point feel that will be very miserable and ragulno

A little about the main characters. Most of them have strange names for Russian
Leah Rozanov (actress Christine Brody) - the same split (poluvampir-poluchelovek). Closed, shy girl, like many guys, but not particularly seeks to meet someone. She has a hobby - Leah creates sculptures (well come up with about sculpture, otherwise in nature - spilled Bell)

Kai, he's Kostya (Artem Krylov) - the most handsome vampire. Girls fall in piles on its type, but he falls in love, according to the law of the genre, it is clear to anyone ...

Anton (Maxim Salnikov) - best friend Leah, secretly in love with her. What features or supernatural has not

Luke (beautiful Russian name) - the younger brother of Lee, lead singer of the school band

Maya (Maria Akhmetzyanova) - the first beauty school, the daughter of the director. Laid eyes on Kai

Max (Ilya Shydlouski) - Maya's friend. Will be with her intrigue Leah

Ardek (Vladimir Markov) - vampire prophet. It was he who directs Kaya on special assignment

Manfred (Igor Mirkubanov) - Ardeka brother, wants to seize power in the vampire world ...

That all was clear, the main intrigue is what it is. According to long-time prediction Leah is the next prophet to replace Ardeka. Ardek sends Kai protect Woman, because after her paladins - vampire slayer. Over time, Kai and Leah happen L'Amour, but the vampire laws, the prophet can not be beloved. Kai and Leah have to fight for his love. Well connected in the course of the rest of the company of heroes - someone bothers someone helps, all the laws of the genre
That can result from such a leaven ??? I do not know ... A little hard to believe that this creation will be able to make any competition the same "Vampire Diaries" (on "Twilight" already and we are not talking). Israeli prototype I have not seen the series, but KinoPoisk had good reviews that surprised. In general, forward premiere and then we can draw conclusions.
And how do you assess the prospects of this series?