Benedict Cumberbatch
The charismatic British actor Benedict Cumberbatch, known primarily for his role as Sherlock Holmes in the BBC television series of the same name, had acquired a new and interesting role. He signed a contract to shoot the film based on the life story of the scandalous Internet journalist Julian Assange, the founder of the resource WikiLeaks.
Julian Assange
Anyone who watched TV and read the newspapers in the last two years could not hear the resonance 'Assange case', which lasts to this day. Currently, the 41-year-old Julian Assange residence in the territory of the Embassy of Ecuador in London and could not leave him for a moment, as it hunts for the police in several countries. Some people consider Assange a hero-martyr, the other criminal. Undoubtedly, such an odious figure could not fail to attract the attention of the bosses of Hollywood studios, and Julian Assange will join the list of people that have removed the lifetime biopic.
Benedict Cumberbatch
Production of the film, whose working title is announced as "The Man Who Sold the World", will Steven Spielberg's film studio DreamWorks. By the way, to make a documentary about the case Assange plans to channel BBC.
By Cumberbatch joined by another British actor - Dan Stevens (you can see in the television series "Downton Abbey"), he plays the genius hacker.
The release date of the film "The Man Who Sold the World" is not yet announced, but is expected to be released no earlier than 2014.
Julian Assange
Anyone who watched TV and read the newspapers in the last two years could not hear the resonance 'Assange case', which lasts to this day. Currently, the 41-year-old Julian Assange residence in the territory of the Embassy of Ecuador in London and could not leave him for a moment, as it hunts for the police in several countries. Some people consider Assange a hero-martyr, the other criminal. Undoubtedly, such an odious figure could not fail to attract the attention of the bosses of Hollywood studios, and Julian Assange will join the list of people that have removed the lifetime biopic.
Benedict Cumberbatch
Production of the film, whose working title is announced as "The Man Who Sold the World", will Steven Spielberg's film studio DreamWorks. By the way, to make a documentary about the case Assange plans to channel BBC.
By Cumberbatch joined by another British actor - Dan Stevens (you can see in the television series "Downton Abbey"), he plays the genius hacker.
The release date of the film "The Man Who Sold the World" is not yet announced, but is expected to be released no earlier than 2014.