Better treatment

What will you do if your site has been hacked?
If you have not thought about this question, most likely your site is vulnerable, gets into a zone of risk, and sooner or later, can be hacked and zarazhen.

Every day we are approached by dozens of site owners with the request promptly cure site on javascript viruses, mobile redirect, corrupt links and doorways. We scan the site for malicious code and viruses, treat it, set the protection from burglary and delete sites from the database of malicious sites Yandex, Google, and other services Kaspersky Virus Detection. This requires time, especially the removal of the search database, because the search engines check the site takes a few days. All this time, site visitors lose positions in search results, and customer loyalty. But this could izbezhat.

The main problem is that the owners do not think about the safety of the site and its protection until the appearance of "stigma" "The site could threaten the security of your computer ...". And when it appears, it becomes too late and it will take a few days, and sometimes weeks, to withdraw from the site under the sanctions.

Therefore, we recommend that you address the issue of security and protection against hacking site, without waiting for trouble.
If you are an experienced webmaster, upgrade the CMS and the plug-ins to the latest available version, scan the site for hacking shells using a free utility AI-BOLIT (http://revisium.com/ai/), close the panel administrator additional authorization, the right to change files and folders, and settings to establish a secure hosting.

If you are unable to protect the site, contact the experts, we can help.
Source: mirfactov.com/