Creature unknown to science

the coast of the island of Borneo was caught a strange creature whose appearance is very different from all known fish. Locals have named the creature with spiked gift of God. A few days ago, a resident of the city of Miri, Malaysia - 43-year-old Mansor Sapar (Sapar Mansor) - went fishing. At 5 am the man was already on the shore of the South China Sea and threw udochki.

About an hour later Sapar, a sufficient number of fish caught, was going to go home, and started to get a fishing rod when he noticed a strange creature on the hook. According to the man, in all the years of his life he had not seen anything like it.
Back home, the fisherman showed prey wife and children. Amazed households has long been considered a sea monster, and then decided to call it an armored fish.
City considers prickly creating the gift of God, decided to dry it to store as a family mascot. "This is the gift of God, so my family and I will take good care of him," - concludes zhenschina.

Fisherman catches of interested specialists from "Saravakskoy forest corporation" (SFC), which began to explore the mysterious inhabitant of the South China Sea. At the moment, experts are in no hurry to conclusions, preferring to evade the questions of journalists. "Experts SFC has not yet been able to identify fish caught resident Miri, so it is still in the process of learning," - said the representative of the media, Deputy General Director of "Saravakskoy forest corporation" Bracken Tisen Oswald (Oswald Braken Tisen).
Source: mirfactov.com/