The first dose
I present to you the most popular products sold under such technology. At first glance, the purchase of these goods will be beneficial or profitable in the future, but actually won here only the seller. Buying your child a great big dollhouse for action "for only 599 rubles," you sit on the needle. House you sell a minimum configuration: table, chair, bed, kitchen. And next to him on display are items that can be bought separately. And then there just is not: dolls, doll clothes, dishes, furniture, car, dog and so on. Of course, you do not buy everything at once. But month after month, until the house interests of the child, you spend on its components more and more money. So the house for 599 rubles converted into a home for 5000.
There are a number of goods that can be sold below cost. Key money is made on consumables: Print Cartridge or water filters, replacement cartridges for air fresheners or typewriters for toy ponies.
The first massively used this marketing technique company Kodak, which in 1929 distributed a half million American children chambers. Profit from the film, bought after that the attraction of unprecedented generosity was immense. The company Polaroid instant photography with major money earned on their tapes. Sami cameras cost quite inexpensive.
Manufacturers patent their own razors often the fastening system of interchangeable heads to a particular machine it is only suitable cartridge. It is strange that the machines are not distributed free of charge. Everything would be paid off at the first purchase of the blades. And even if the cost of the machine and replacement blades to it are different, then the value of the second is still prohibitively high
When the printer just appeared, the main source of income of manufacturing companies was the device itself. Later, when every office stood for several printers, the demand for them has fallen as income producers. Then the company began to understate the price of the device, inflating prices on ink cartridges.
Now liter four colors of ink for the HP costs $ 4 285. This is almost twice as much as a liter of perfume Chanel № 5 or liter of blood, 56 times the price of a liter of vodka and 1 125 times more expensive than a liter of oil.
On example is a laser printer and toner cartridge 4 thereto. Obviously, it is cheaper to buy a new printer.
In Russia, the price of one capsule ranges from 26 to 33 rubles. But they are so small that one cup requires two or even three capsules. If you drink every morning for a cup of coffee from two capsules by simple calculations obtained a tidy sum of 22 thousand rubles.
Filter package is enough for about a month. If the family is large, and even less. But you get used to the delicious water quickly, so every month regularly paid the producer the amount of the put.
Charm Necklaces, called the beads of all colors, shapes and sizes. They once and take possession of the heart of a woman that bought one bracelet Pandora. Low cost brand favors and the ability to create personalized decoration draw. And decide to buy a separate beads psychologically much easier when you already have a rope on his hand, to which the bead fits.
Feeling belonging to a certain elite club, each time passing shop Pandora, bracelet winner certainly come to the counter to see if there was something new. And, most of all, make a purchase.
The first image shows the first issue, which was sold at the price of 49 rubles. In the second image - the cost of the fifth, seventh and ninth issues of the magazine from the site an online store publisher DeAgostini. By the last number value has increased significantly, but the precious child has built the hold and was looking forward to Thursday, when the magazine will be released with the new details. How can you not buy.
At first glance, everything as it should be: a replacement cartridge costs less than the mechanism. But such fresheners end much faster than usual, in cans. Raza, commercials, from the third, you come to the conclusion that the unit is turned into a senseless waste of money and it is gathering dust on the wall as long as it finally will be in the bin.
Source: www.adme.ru
There are a number of goods that can be sold below cost. Key money is made on consumables: Print Cartridge or water filters, replacement cartridges for air fresheners or typewriters for toy ponies.
The first massively used this marketing technique company Kodak, which in 1929 distributed a half million American children chambers. Profit from the film, bought after that the attraction of unprecedented generosity was immense. The company Polaroid instant photography with major money earned on their tapes. Sami cameras cost quite inexpensive.

Manufacturers patent their own razors often the fastening system of interchangeable heads to a particular machine it is only suitable cartridge. It is strange that the machines are not distributed free of charge. Everything would be paid off at the first purchase of the blades. And even if the cost of the machine and replacement blades to it are different, then the value of the second is still prohibitively high

When the printer just appeared, the main source of income of manufacturing companies was the device itself. Later, when every office stood for several printers, the demand for them has fallen as income producers. Then the company began to understate the price of the device, inflating prices on ink cartridges.
Now liter four colors of ink for the HP costs $ 4 285. This is almost twice as much as a liter of perfume Chanel № 5 or liter of blood, 56 times the price of a liter of vodka and 1 125 times more expensive than a liter of oil.
On example is a laser printer and toner cartridge 4 thereto. Obviously, it is cheaper to buy a new printer.

In Russia, the price of one capsule ranges from 26 to 33 rubles. But they are so small that one cup requires two or even three capsules. If you drink every morning for a cup of coffee from two capsules by simple calculations obtained a tidy sum of 22 thousand rubles.

Filter package is enough for about a month. If the family is large, and even less. But you get used to the delicious water quickly, so every month regularly paid the producer the amount of the put.

Charm Necklaces, called the beads of all colors, shapes and sizes. They once and take possession of the heart of a woman that bought one bracelet Pandora. Low cost brand favors and the ability to create personalized decoration draw. And decide to buy a separate beads psychologically much easier when you already have a rope on his hand, to which the bead fits.
Feeling belonging to a certain elite club, each time passing shop Pandora, bracelet winner certainly come to the counter to see if there was something new. And, most of all, make a purchase.

The first image shows the first issue, which was sold at the price of 49 rubles. In the second image - the cost of the fifth, seventh and ninth issues of the magazine from the site an online store publisher DeAgostini. By the last number value has increased significantly, but the precious child has built the hold and was looking forward to Thursday, when the magazine will be released with the new details. How can you not buy.

At first glance, everything as it should be: a replacement cartridge costs less than the mechanism. But such fresheners end much faster than usual, in cans. Raza, commercials, from the third, you come to the conclusion that the unit is turned into a senseless waste of money and it is gathering dust on the wall as long as it finally will be in the bin.

Source: www.adme.ru