Diagrams and tricks with which we are deceiving in shops. Do not let yourself spend!
An article on how to deceive us in stores, wrote a resident of Russia Tatiana Bedareva. While shopping woman drew attention to the various tricks that use the stores to make a person at times to pay. Moreover, Tatiana said on its website about how she struggles with it. According to the woman, the more people will be aware and to defend their rights, the less we will try to cheat. This is an important step towards a qualitatively better life. Tatiana Bedareva, mother of two children, a creative and active person, says that she is not so important to get back some money in the store, or to prove their case, how to show the owners of shops that people know their rights and are ready to defend them.
Very often in stores or supermarkets, you can see what is written on the price list one price and punched product with a completely different value. This is one of the mechanisms to be used in trade to sell an unpopular product. You take the goods, because you think that it is cheaper and actually spend a decent amount of money, but do not check the check, or simply do not want to create a conflict situation. In fact, the law is always on the client side. You just need to take a picture of the price tag and the merchandise in the store. It's enough to make you struck the goods at the price specified in the price list. After all, it guarantees a series of laws:
1. 3akon pf dated February 7, 1992 N 2300-I «O zaschite ppav potpebiteley" - no one is obliged to pay an amount different than indicated on the price tag. Paragraph 2 of Article 10 elaborates on the price list has to be the exact price in rubles up to the penny and complete conditions for the acquisition of goods. B>
2. Terms of the sale of certain products, approved by RF Government Decree of January 19, 1998 N 55. According to para. 19 of the Rules, each seller must put a price tag with accurate and correct price. B>
3. RF Code of Administrative Offences, Article 14.7. Providing misleading information about the price of goods - direct consumer fraud. B>
If the sample product at that price, then must return the difference. Save photos and check the price tag on an extreme case.
Tatiana Bedareva cites a number of examples from his own life. Here are some of them.
In the "Children's World" a woman decides to purchase two feeder cup for 119 rubles. At the checkout it is found that the price tag refers to a plate, and these are piteyniki 350-400 rubles. B>
Over the bottle price tag hanging 199 rubles in the same store. At the box office once again proved that it is not the product, and that price is about 350 rubles. B>
Tatiana was able to buy products at a price that was listed on the price tags.
Shop "True." On apples price tag 49, 90. punched on 120 rubles a kilogram. As a result, the director was able to call for 5 minutes to buy them on the law of value. B>
The action promises a ridiculous price. Pierce for 1350 p. Such examples are many. B>
According to the woman, so to prove its case only in the major chain stores. Tatiana advised to remain calm and not give in to provocations. Self-righteous and calm tone - the best weapon against store unlimited illegality.
You also need to make clear that the price tag and the truth is not the same or not the same price. After all, it happens sometimes that the shelf accidentally put the wrong item. Make sure the price tag was hanging next to this item. Do not listen to tales that there is another barcode, something forgot to change, and so on. You, as a buyer, you have the right to buy the product at the price specified on the price list. Always call the director, or talk on the phone with senior people using phone numbers that can be found on a wall or stand information.
Share this article with your friends, let them also learn to defend their rights!
Very often in stores or supermarkets, you can see what is written on the price list one price and punched product with a completely different value. This is one of the mechanisms to be used in trade to sell an unpopular product. You take the goods, because you think that it is cheaper and actually spend a decent amount of money, but do not check the check, or simply do not want to create a conflict situation. In fact, the law is always on the client side. You just need to take a picture of the price tag and the merchandise in the store. It's enough to make you struck the goods at the price specified in the price list. After all, it guarantees a series of laws:
1. 3akon pf dated February 7, 1992 N 2300-I «O zaschite ppav potpebiteley" - no one is obliged to pay an amount different than indicated on the price tag. Paragraph 2 of Article 10 elaborates on the price list has to be the exact price in rubles up to the penny and complete conditions for the acquisition of goods. B>
2. Terms of the sale of certain products, approved by RF Government Decree of January 19, 1998 N 55. According to para. 19 of the Rules, each seller must put a price tag with accurate and correct price. B>
3. RF Code of Administrative Offences, Article 14.7. Providing misleading information about the price of goods - direct consumer fraud. B>
If the sample product at that price, then must return the difference. Save photos and check the price tag on an extreme case.
Tatiana Bedareva cites a number of examples from his own life. Here are some of them.
In the "Children's World" a woman decides to purchase two feeder cup for 119 rubles. At the checkout it is found that the price tag refers to a plate, and these are piteyniki 350-400 rubles. B>

Over the bottle price tag hanging 199 rubles in the same store. At the box office once again proved that it is not the product, and that price is about 350 rubles. B>

Tatiana was able to buy products at a price that was listed on the price tags.

Shop "True." On apples price tag 49, 90. punched on 120 rubles a kilogram. As a result, the director was able to call for 5 minutes to buy them on the law of value. B>

The action promises a ridiculous price. Pierce for 1350 p. Such examples are many. B>

According to the woman, so to prove its case only in the major chain stores. Tatiana advised to remain calm and not give in to provocations. Self-righteous and calm tone - the best weapon against store unlimited illegality.
You also need to make clear that the price tag and the truth is not the same or not the same price. After all, it happens sometimes that the shelf accidentally put the wrong item. Make sure the price tag was hanging next to this item. Do not listen to tales that there is another barcode, something forgot to change, and so on. You, as a buyer, you have the right to buy the product at the price specified on the price list. Always call the director, or talk on the phone with senior people using phone numbers that can be found on a wall or stand information.
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