Age fish

turns out, there is a fairly simple and affordable way to determine the age of fish. All you need to do is fish and microscope. However, you can do without the latter, if accurate data is not nuzhny.Tak how do you know how many years the fish? Very simply, it does take a look at her scales and count the number of grooves (rows of scales), which are very clearly visible and does not require additional operations with its vladeltsem.

Each row scaly grooves at time intervals corresponding to 1 year.
In addition, the age of the fish can be identified by seals on the dorsal fin, or the size of the otoliths, ie size solid entities which are responsible for the orientation in space. They say that the size of the otoliths is directly proportional to the age of aquatic species. And there are other ways.
Source: mirfactov.com/