Park clay sculptures

to the wonders of the world fleet is not ranked, but it's something unbelievable. Especially if you imagine that it was created by enthusiasts. Park clay sculptures appeared in the Chinese city of Tangshan. The number of sculptures in the thousands - the world he does not analogov.

The author of this project was the sculptor Qin Shiping. Work began in 2008, the sculptures fashioned out of clay just 3 people!
A project funded itself avtor.

Qin hopes to earn at the expense of visitors, which is absolutely natural, and in wishing to survey the vista is no release. The audience can move freely on the street, surrounded by clay figures and include imagination, transferred to distant dynasty Sun.

Fleet size: 60 to 300 meters.
All figures (people, horses, buildings) are made of clay in the proportion of 2/3 of the original size.

Source: byaki.net/eto_interesno/37058-park-glinyanyh-skulptur-v-kitae.html